Welcome to the Original Hidden Handedness Blog

This forum provides a connecting point to discuss Submergees and Emergees, to recognize and better understand these two hidden forms of handedness that represent a significant, but essentially unacknowledged group of people. The need to begin the discussion is long overdue, both for those who are Submergees and Emergees, as well as for those who are interested in learning about and understanding these two new categories of handedness. This is an opportunity to share resources, experiences, observations and research, so please enjoy!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "":

I have just ordered your book and cant wait for it to arrive. I have a slightly different problem in so far as I am a natural rightie and around the age of 8 when I was mucking about with my father who thought it would be brilliant if I could be ambidextrous I switched to writing with the left!

Two years later I broke my left arm very badly and still managed not to convert back to the right. I do everything else with my right hand. This will sound strange, my problem all my life has been lack of direction, feeling of great blockage, building in to deep frustration ending up as a bout of depression. I seem to let life drive me usually in the direction of some mistake. I have been in and out of therapy to find the crucks of the matter and nothing has worked. Constantly trapped! For the first time ever I feel excited that I may have stumbled on the answer. Do you have any knowledge of this somewhat unusual conversion. I would be grateful for any advice or help. YP

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Posted by Anonymous to Hidden Handedness at May 20, 2009 8:32 AM


Samuel Randolph

to Anonymous
show details Jun 11 (2 days ago)

Follow up message
Dear A,

Thanks for sharing this story. Yes, I know of a few cases like yours of Right to Left. The consequences appear to be identical in either case, from L to R or R to L. That is why the terms submergee and emergee were developed, no bias, just a way of talking about what happens when handedness reversals take place. Dr. Stanley Coren writes that reversals typically happen before age 9, so your case fits into his profile of the issue.

We desperately need research in this category but in the meantime, Hidden Handedness does a good job of explaining what happens when handedness conversions take place and what happens when one returns.

I've been following research in neuroscience since writing the book in hopes of inspiring research in this category and all of the current findings support what I said in 2007.

One of the more interesting people you may wish to look at in considering therapeutic pathways is Anat Baniel - her latest book Move Into Life is an excellent resource and you can also see her speak on You Tube. If you do see her video clips, note the emphasis she places on movement of the hands in several of the clips. She refers to herself as "Movement Coach" and in her case you will see her placing an emphasis on mindful movement of the hands. If you think about it, that's the pathway that one follows to reverse their handedness - logically, that's the way one returns at a later date.

Handedness conversions are still a very untouched subject, so I wish you the best in your recovery and please don't hesitate to write further as things develop.


1 comment:

Ricarda said...

Hello Samuel and all others,

I also know a righty who switched to the left (and many from L to R). She now emergees, because I shared my story of emerging. And I always try to convince others to emergee or at least try to make them realise the difficulites of being a submergee or being a submergee at all. Im my view the greatest problem is that people don't even think, they could be submergees because they started writing with the wrong hand all by theirselfs.

So did I. It took me years of being ambidextrous to finally realise I'm actually left handed. The same day that came to my mind I started emerging, without knowing anything about it. I then read the german books from Sattler and many, many internet-sites plus your book.

I'm glad that more and more people are getting aware of the problem and I'm always trying to spread the 'news' (-:
