Welcome to the Original Hidden Handedness Blog

This forum provides a connecting point to discuss Submergees and Emergees, to recognize and better understand these two hidden forms of handedness that represent a significant, but essentially unacknowledged group of people. The need to begin the discussion is long overdue, both for those who are Submergees and Emergees, as well as for those who are interested in learning about and understanding these two new categories of handedness. This is an opportunity to share resources, experiences, observations and research, so please enjoy!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Some interesting developments...

Some very marvelous recent developments of late worth sharing.

On the book front, 10 stars for these three books.

If you are interested in neuroplasticity (Doidge and Blakeslee).

And for a rather stunning overview of his theory of how the neocortex in the human brain functions (Hawkins).

The Body Has A Mind of It's Own - by Sandra & Mathew Blakeslee
The Brain That Changes Itself - by Norman Doidge
On Intelligence - by Jeff Hawkins & Sandra Blakeslee (published 2004 but still well worth reading)

Also a true gem in the podcasting realm - The Brain Science Podcast (BSP) by Ginger Campbell, M.D. http://docartemis.com/brainsciencepodcast/

Hawkins appears on a recent episode of the BSP - what a wonderful experience to learn of someone who is working in what appears to be a successful manner on big picture questions in such a complex topic area.

There are many many other interviews on the BSP that deserve a hearing.

In terms of my own update of understanding regarding neuroplasticity and laterality in connection with what I have said to date about submergees and emergees, all of the updates I have seen post publication of Hidden Handedness (January '07 publication) seem to support the models that I proposed in the book for the submergee and emergee experiences.

So far so good, but it's really been breathtaking to see how fast research is changing the playing field.


1 comment:

Ginger Campbell, MD said...

Thanks for mentioning the Brain Science Podcast. I just want to mention that the link http://brainsciencepodcast.com still works even though I recently moved my website.

Ginger Campbell, MD
host of the Brain Science Podcast